When you buy any web hosting to host your website you need the best hosting provider. Hostinger is a company and one of them that provides free web hosting & paid hosting. This company was introduced in 2004, in Kaunas, Lithuania and now it has won the trust of millions of users. In this article, you will get to know Does Hostinger have cPanel and what attributes that can add on in your website. Having a control panel means it is easy for users to create and manage their websites.

Hostinger has a Control Panel?

Yes, Hostinger has cPanel in all its web hosting plans that it is offering. But you should know about what is the exact meaning of having a control panel & why it is used?

What is cPanel

What is cPanel?

Control Panel is just like a key that is required to store all your backup, files, data. It is the control panel of your web hosting that provides you complete access and about the performance of the server. By using cPanel you can access an application, domain, e-mail account, data, files, and other modules.

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Advantages of cPanel

  • You can install cPanel very easily.
  • It includes simple and easy to use the command so that customer can not find problem to handle control panel.
  • To get install this, it requires only 20 GB of disk space & 512 RAM to run in your operating system.
  • Your cPanel gets protection from cyber attackers.
  • It is flexible because with the help of cPanel you can transfer your site from one hosting server to another server.
  • It is compatible with all kinds of web browsers.

How to set up Hostinger cPanel?

You need to create and manage the control panel account through the web host manager (WHM). So here, you need to know how to create a new cPanel in WHM.

set up of cPanel

  • Log in to the WHM by username and password.
  • Account functions will appear to you, click on it.
  • Create your new account
  • After, you will ask for to fill domain information
  • Select the package of your cPanel.
  • Go to the setting to set the cPanel, their language, theme, and others.
  • Go to the DNS setting and choose your name server.
  • You can select the option to handle the mail routine.
  • Now your cPanel account is created by clicking on “OK”.

How to Log in cPanel in Hostinger?

How to Log in cPanel in Hostinger

The Hostinger cPanel is user friendly and easy to use & if you have little experience in website development.

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Go to the Hostinger’s website and find cPanel account creation. Login the Hostinger’s cPanel account by adding a password and username. This is how you can log in and set up a cPanel account to store backup, files, data, account detail, and manage your performance of server through cPanel. You have known that Hostinger offers cPanel and even free in the hosting plan that you buy. If you are going to buy any hosting plan of Hostinger so to save the money use Hostinger Coupon Code.