As the name is defining itself shared web hosting, is a type of web hosting where a single server has many segments. When you chose shared web hosting for your site means you will get a server that is divided into many parts. Many users’ websites would be hosted on one single server which means you will get a part of a server.
And as we all know that many big companies are there that provide shared web hosting. And some are like Shared Web Hosting Godaddy, Hostgator also servers the Best Shared Web Hosting and many more. You can find many advantages of shared web hosting and some cons of it. But before knowing the pros and cons of shared hosting let know how shared web hosting works.

How Does Shared Web Hosting Works?
As we are aware of shared web hosting has a single server and hosts many websites on that server. As the server is split into multiple accounts the account holders can manage their websites, emails, and database severally. You are sharing your server with many users so it also affects the cost of it.
Pros of shared web hosting
- You can get the necessary tools that help to build, manage and to grow your website
- Option to build your site with any site builder
- WordPress, Joomla or other content management system you can choose and can also manage email and can add a database
- Cheapest web hosting plan than other hosting services.
- You can add a couple of domains to your account if the company allows.
- When you feel that your site needs more resources then you can upgrade your plan to higher one that makes it more suitable and convenient for begineers.
Cons of shared web hosting
- You cant be most dependable on shared web hosting because many websites are hosted on a single The fault can happen if any of account holder is using too many resources then it could affect your site.
- More security issues can arrive in shared web hosting because webmaster can access your HT and can touch your important elements. And there is a risk of your data information from the server.
- The speed will be slow because having many sites on one server can affect the speed of your site.
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Companies That Provides You Shared Web Hosting
Many companies serve the best hosting service and provide the best plan of shared web hosting. Let’s know some popular companies that serve you best-shared web hosting too.
With Cyber Monday web hosting deals you can get a great discount on it.
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