Many companies are having allegiance to providing you the best web hosting facilities with top-class customer care services. And among all of these hosting companies, there are a name LunarPages which is popular for its optimal hosting services. Discover better hosting with the best Lunarpages hosting plans and packages. Lunarpages Discount Code that will make you attracted to get involved with their hosting service and plans. This time is completely perfect to get started with the most leading hosting company all over the world.
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The company is fully devoted to its users to make them satisfied with the top-class hosting services and products they are providing to them. People can save a big amount by using Lunarpages Coupons Code and also experience excellent customer care support. Before starting with it you must know the best Lunarpages Deals and what products the company is providing to you?
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What Are The Lunarpages Web Hosting Services?
The company is not only providing you the web hosting services but also offering you Domains, site builder,s and more. Let’s know in detail what are the products and services of LunarPages for their customers.
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Web Hosting
Shared Hosting: shared web hosting is a type of web hosting where a single server has hosted many other user’s sites on it. Go to the link if you want to know more about Lunarpages shared web hosting. you will find personal hosting, business hosting, windows hosting and developer reseller hosting.

Lunarpages has divided their shared web hosting plan into two segments are below
Starter Linux hosting: here the shared web hosting starter Linux hosting is starting at $3.95/mo and features are included an LPCP control panel, storage 5 GB, bandwidth 50 GB, and 1 FTP account.
Basic Linux hosting: The basic Linux hosting plan which is starting at $ 4.95/mo that included a free domain name, website builder, LPCP cPanel, and unlimited storage.
Dedicated Hosting: dedicated web hosting is a type of web hosting where the entire server belongs to you. Click on the link to know more about What Is Dedicated Hosting. The company is offering Linux Dedicated Server and Windows Dedicated Server.
Cloud Hosting: Cloud hosting is that kind of cloud computing hosting that makes computer system resources like storage, computing power. Lunarpages is offering scalable cloud VPS hosting and private cloud hosting services.
Domains: get a suitable top-level domain name and give it to your business because a domain name is necessary to recognize your site on the internet. Let’s see what are feature is included in it.
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- DNS Management
- Domain Forwarding
- Domain Locking
- Free Subdomains
- Domain Privacy
- Auto Domain Renewals

Build Your Site With Innovation
- Website Builder
- Professional Web Design
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Why You Should Go With Lunarpages Coupon Code?
The company aims to serve top-class services to its clients and offers you the best hosting services. Also, people will find other features such as Addons like Microsoft exchange, Weebly website builder, managed to host services, secure live, and more. Not just offering you Web Hosting Products & services but also you can find Lunarpages Promo Codes & coupons to make some big savings. Get involved with Lunarpages and get your own webspace now at a cheap cost.