Think about this, do you bother going to the second page of the search engines to find the required information? Only a few will answer, ‘yes’ because no one really has the time to hop from one page to another to find the answer to their search query. It is a matter of the first page, initial few searches and that’s it! After that, users switch off…

That’s why every business, from a small town shop to the big brands, all need SEO to thrive. Search engine optimization (SEO) is the optimal marketing tactic, that is all about fighting to capture the top ranking position on search engines. But Google is a strict master and can topple SEO campaigns with just one update. That’s why there isn’t any single path to hit the SEO roof, but there are some secrets that definitely work.

seo secrets

If you are wondering what they are, here is your answer from the top gurus of an SEO reseller agency:

Know What You Want:

Experts believe that SEO is one of the most difficult and misunderstood marketing techniques because it is like an enigma that is hard to solve. No matter how many people tag themselves as an SEO guru, the truth is, they are not. Google’s algorithm is a big Pandora’s box that keeps stirring the SEO scene. That’s why there are so many approaches to achieve SEO goals and they vary depending on the results you want. So, you should be sure of what kind of results you want to drive and choose your SEO approach accordingly!

Loading Speed is Important:

This is one of the most underrated factors in SEO techniques, despite the fact that Google has a strict eye on it. Google’s algorithm mainly revolves around providing the best user experience. According to research, a user hardly waits for 3 seconds for a website to load. After that, if the website fails to load, he/she switches off. Google knows this, so it only ranks those sites that have good loading speed.

Better check out if your selected web hosting company has the potential to ensure your website’s fast loading speed. It makes a huge difference in your SEO efforts.

Serve the King – Content:

SEO gurus always say that content is the king in the world of SEO, so you must serve your king the right way. Just like a king needs special attention, your content also needs continuous care and updating. You can’t win the SEO game with website content that was written a few years ago. Even if your business approach, goals, and services are the same, you still need to add a fresh touch of up-to-date content. Google’s algorithm loves recent, fresh and accurate content to rank a website because the audience likes that. Make sure to consider this factor in your SEO plans.

Now you know some of the SEO secrets. Don’t forget them while chalking out your SEO plans this time and you will see the difference!